Hi Benjamin,

Thanks for that, I will check it out.


The machine I was testing with today was very souped-up and the [dsp] object never got over 25%.

I don't know if this would make a difference but the avi's are slightly longer than the audio, if the audio is driving the sync is it possible that that could cause the crashes?  Also audio is 32bit floating point, if that could make a difference?

Still somewhat unsure about the best way of using the abstraction, if as I thought, to use 3 files I need 3 gemheads, how can I use 1 abstraction that contains a single gemhead?  That was the impulse to use three different files.  Then if I'm using 3 different files, why do I need to use $0, apart from good coding practice??

Guess I'm thinking aloud here.

With the first version that I made, all the files load fine and play, though there is now no sync now I stopped using [readanysf~].  S'pose one of the joys of pd is that there are umpteen ways of skinning any particular feline, though I really don't have the time to be starting from scratch again with this.

I'm going to make the audio 16b and trim the avi's so they are the same length as the audio.

Otherwise I'm really unsure what's going on.... This whole codec thing is a bloody nightmare.

Will try again tomorrow.



On 23 September 2010 17:51, benjamin 01xy <benjah@free.fr> wrote:

for audio, sfread2~ in moonlib worked well for me to scratch audio/video synchro, I think it is cross plateform


J bz a écrit :

Avi's are 10fps mjpeg recoded in avidemux.

Audio 44.1 wav in audacity
All files play fine on the windows computer on their own.  I do get audio and one video, which works great.

They also play fine in my earlier patch when I was first experimenting with GEM and video.  I went the Neupert way because I wanted more control.

Other problem is that my ancient laptop wont come anywhere near running the patch, which is why I'm at a friends house.

Aargh, this is bad, supposed to hand this in tomorrow.

I have to go for a few hours but will be back later.  Back at my friends in the morning but will be online again in a few hours.

Attached is my original patch too.

What I want is the ability to scrub audio and video but something that works.  Obviously.
I was using [redanysf~] but the work needs to be seen on windows and mac and readanysf doesn't seem to work on windoze.

I guess the most frustrating thing is that I have spent all afternoon wrestling with something that seems to be working on other computers. I added the [set( message as I have been trying anything I could think of.

Thanks again,
