On Mon, Apr 5, 2010 at 8:47 PM, <meino.cramer@gmx.de> wrote:


a moment ago I installed pd-extended on my linux-box from source.
The compilation process runs till something, which looks like a
successfuill end.

My question is:
Pd-extended seems to consist of a *illion packages.
If compilation of one would fail: Does the whole compilation will
stop? Or does the steering makefiel will ignore that error and
proceed with the next task?

Or with other words: If the end of compilation is an end without an
error message in the last lines of output: Is the whole package
installed successfully or do I have -- may be -- in incomplete
installation ?

Thank you very much in advance for any help!
Best regards,

Hello Meino,

what you want to know is if Make will fail on a failed external or will go on with the others - the answer is yes, by default it will stop there, and you shall be able to see the error somewhere among the last lines. You can, however, tell it ignore failing externals (afaik).
What HC told is true as well, a successful compile process will not say anything like 'SUCCESS' by itself - instead, it might tell you 'Error! Nothing to do' which actually stands for 'Success! Open a bottle of champagne'