yoo martin, thanks again, as said in my post, i have the stepper already under control via a ULN2003A driver and a potentiometer.

im stuck in the pd part, no problems with comport or the serial but with the pd patch.

On 12/27/06, Martin Peach <martin.peach@sympatico.ca> wrote:

With pduino you can send each bit pattern at once, don't set the pins
one at a time, it's too slow.

yeap, this is exactly what i will like to use pd for i was banging a [counter 1 4] but im not sure about speeds and how to get to each of the 4 pins that go from the arduino to the ULN2003A.

thats why i was asking for some pd patch for troubleshooting the possible pattern secuences.

So if you get ticking and not continuous motion it usually means that
either your pattern is wrong or that your drive isn't sufficient (not
enough voltage or not using transistors, or transistors not fully on).

i guess is more related to the right pattern since the same circuit works when i use a potentiometer, as said before i will like to try it using the pduino if that is possible?

If you can show a diagram or photo of your setup I could probably help
you more...


I will try the SimpleMessageSystem Library maybe its easier.

thanks again,