I resolved that in Karmic, with some package... I don't recall it it was:
- https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ttf-bitstream-vera
It should be just a simple font package missing, even if you don't find a package for lucid, you can install a previous one. Or grab the fonts, make them and install them. I did stuff like that in the past for latex bizarre fonts in Linux, but it is a bit hedious... so I'd recommend searching/trying some packages.
I'm trying to look in my installed packages for the one that did the trick...
best regards,
Hi again,
I am trying to install Pd Extended in Ubuntu 10.04.
Since the depository doesn't work (at least following the directions in the wiki), I have downloaded the package for Jaunty from http://puredata.info/downloads (guessing it may work with later versions as well) since a specific package for Lucid is not available.
When I try to install it, it says a dependency cannot be satisfied:
I searched for such a package in synaptic but i cannot find it. Maybe it is in some depository I haven't added. If so, how can I figure out which one?
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