I'm attempting to play two wav files
simoultaneously using two readsf~ objects. The wav files are 'syncronized'
rhythmically which requires that they start at exactly the same time. (I
can't use a single stereo file for a bunch of reasons - although I know that the
problem that I mention herein would be completely avoided). Anyways, as I
was saying...
I've hooked a BANG to the "open" messages of the
two readsf~ objects. Then I send a message simoultaneously to the
readsf~'s to start the files at the same time and have them play 'side-by-side'
so to speak.
The readsf~'s seem inconsistent...2 out 3 times
(approx.) one of the files won't load properly and PD throws a "bad header"
error, but I'm certain that the header of the wav files are just fine because
when I try the same process again, it works -- or like the first try it doesn't
work. But eventually it'll work! perhaps on the 3rd, 4th, or...you get the
picture. Or if I 'open' and then start each file separately, they
Has anybody else experienced a similar
problem? Anybody know why this might happen? and how to avoid
Dave Sabine