We would like to publish them on december, so the translation work should be done in mid-novemeber.



Jaime Oliver
Columbia University

On Oct 6, 2012, at 10:42 PM, Epic Jefferson wrote:

escuelab.org has been doing some awesome work lately. 
By when do you want to have this done?

On Fri, Oct 5, 2012 at 7:44 PM, J Oliver <jaime.oliver2@gmail.com> wrote:
Hard to say if I should write this one in spanish or english, but...

I am working with New Blankets and escuelab.org in Peru, on translating and subtitling Miller's 171 lectures [1] into spanish.

After quite some time working on lecture one, which is almost done, I realize that it would really be much faster and effective if this were a community effort. There are transcripts of these lectures, so a big part of the work is done.

So... those of you interested in joining this effort please reply to this message and we'll make a plan.

un abrazo,


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