
i get into this trendy thread to say ::
mm, what about those who don't have icons
on their desktops like me?


Marc Lavallée wrote:
On Wed, Oct 22, 2003 at 09:43:39AM -0400, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
I think we are talking about a logo from which icons will be made.  I  
think the yin/yang came up because it looks like the letters Pd, but I  
agree, I don't see a strong connection to Pd.  I personally think that  
the icon should be designed in Pd, since Pd is all about creating media.

I agree. Since pd is "graphically challenged", the logos and icons should
be designed accordingly. Included is my pd icon, made with pd on Linux
(it's only 137 bytes). Earlier this summer, I installed the actual
pure-data.org logo, made by patrick@11h11.com.
