IOhannes m zmölnig a écrit :
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Raphael Raccuia wrote:
I'm new on the list, and working with PD from a couple of years...

I'm on linux, Ubuntu Studio 9.10 and Fedora 10 / planet CCRMA

I have some troubles on latest vanilla version in repos (0.41):

All the midi-out objects do the same: no problem to set midi channel and
CC or Note number, but for each value change, I get in jack:
   ALSA: connection graph change
and the buttons in alsa-midi tab flash shortly... but 128 time if I push
up a CC fader for example!

rectification: problem occurs also when DSP is off...

i noticed something like that very recently as well.
i had no time to investigate what is going on here, but i seem to
remember that i was able to make it without connection-graph-changes as
well (read below)

Something else: PD seems to eat a lot of CPU when connected with

"something else" is bad for replying. better to send an email for each
unrelated question you have...

actually it's maybe related, but I forgot a part:
with FFADO, I noticed a big MIDI latency (2-3 seconds. Sound tested with jdelay: without PD: ~10ms. 5ms more @ 96000/3 =15ms, seems pretty good).  No problem with alsa!?! I thought maybe has to do with CPU usage...

-I noticed some bugs (or will be enhancement?):
when closing a patch (ctrl+w or mouse), dialog opens behind others (top
of PD main)... When 10 (sub)patches are opened it's something boring...

well known "feature" of Pd; should go away with the gui-rewrite
currently undertaken.


-when PD opens, it connects everything in jack, not just I/O, same in
midi-connections... Maybe it's too much?


that was definitely meant as a feature.
since i noticed pretty soon that it can be avoiding as well (esp. when
autoconnecting to the MIDI-thru)
yes, especially midi-thru. I've just read the thread about autoconnect...
, there is also a workaround: if you
tell Pd to create to alsaseq ports (even if you only use one of them),
it will not try to autoconnect.
How can I do that? searched on the web, but nothing...
this might also have been the "solution" to the connection-graph-change

hope so
thank's for your help

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