Dear Mr. Porres,

Thank you for the creation of your time-stretching patches. I have some questions about their utilization and hope that you can give me some advice. Attached are two very different samples that I want to be able to stretch out indefinitely.

In the case of the contrabass file, I find that manually clicking on "bounce" creates a much more seamless effect than automatic bouncing (which has a very audible cross-fade). How would you suggest manipulating the patch to automate a smoother bouncing effect? I don't think this is a question of how the files are cut, but I could be wrong...

Otherwise, I find running both files at 150 Motion and 4096 window size with Lock off works quite well. As with some other Time Stretching patches, the contrabass' upper spectrum becomes strangely isolated and present (compare it to a normal playback of the same file). Any ideas about that?

Best regards,
S. Elliot Perez