Not sure this is the case, but had a similar issue compiling on a latest mac.
With os >10.6 gcc compiles for 64bit architecture.

But you are most likely running the 32bit version of pd.

I had this issue compiling iemguts and found this post by Luke Iannini which solved the problem:

Basically you needed to add two arguments to the makefile to force gcc to compile for 32.
But I don't know what you want to compile.


Hey folks, I really suck at compiling objects, and I'm getting this problem
that when I try to load the object I compiled in my mac os 10.6.7 I get
this "Wrong architecture" problem.

Is it a pretty straightforward situation or do I need to give out more info?

here's what's in the build file

cc -DPD -O0 -g -fnested-functions -Wall -Wno-unused-parameter
-Wno-parentheses -Wno-switch  -I ./  -o $NAME.o -c $NAME.c &&
cc -bundle -undefined suppress  -flat_namespace -o $NAME.pd_darwin $NAME.o


Marco Donnarumma
Independent New Media and Sonic Arts Professional, Performer, Instructor
ACE, Sound Design MSc by Research (ongoing)
The University of Edinburgh, UK
Lab: | |