I am going to investigate the updated wifly, wiflyserial and ethernet libraries onto the sketch for the rn-xv/arduino. this should allow me create a "serial socket" or something, once i grasp all that stuff a bit better. tcpclient, in place of [comport] connects and shows data sent but nothing is happening in pd or the arduino fio. i have begun toying with udpsend/udprecieve but that isnt working because i am sure that i havent connected the i/o in a manner that provides [comport] replacement functionality. i should have some results from that shortly. from what i have read, the way udp works might be better and if i can get one of the above libraries to see it, maybe my problem will be solved. i will let you what i come with in a few hours
On 2012-11-25 15:51, onyx@onyx-ashanti.com wrote:In pd-extended there are [udpsend] and [udpreceive] as well as [tcpclient] and [tcpserver] that can be used instead of [comport].
if comport could accept an ip port argument, as well as a serial port
argument, all would be lovely and nothing would have to change. it
would simply recieve itsport from the ip. is there anything like this?
Probably you'll need to add a [import net] to get them.