Q refers to the bandwidth of a resonant filter, but is ultimate effect t depends on what kind of filter we're talking about. In some filters, adjusting the bandwidth also boost the resonant frequency. This is not the case of vcf~, which acts more like a constant gain bandpass filter. It's more common in electronic music to have a lowpass resonant filter, though, like the bob~ object, which emulates a moog filter.
So if you wanna make [vcf~] to have a higher boost in the resonant frequency, just add some gain to it...
The [svf~] object has such kind of lowpass resonant filters. Cyclone also has other filters, [lores~] is also a lowpass resonant filter, but it frequency response varies with frequency (which I think is bad). Now, [reson~] is a bandpass filter where you can adjust the bandwidth and overall gain. A new couple of objects in cyclone are [filtercoeff~] and [biquad~], which allow you to have a more proper lowpass resonant filter, controlled via signals.
I actually think the [filtercoeff~] + [biquad~] design is terrible. It'd be much simpler just to have ready made filters. So I made them in mey new library, for instance: [else/lowpass~].