Hello all, I have a question.

If i create a [s~ ] and [r~ ] inside a clone abstraction, and control everyone by messages once (the first will send to the next and so on, it could be set up by a loadbang in the start, taking the cloned id number in account), it will be guaranteed that Pd will process the first clone before the second and so on?

there is an "invisible" inlet~ and outlet~ forcing order from one clone to the next?

Em Ter, 29 de out de 2019 12:25, Henri Augusto Bisognini <msndohenri@hotmail.com> escreveu:
Maybe that text could be in the documentation :)

De: Pd-list <pd-list-bounces@lists.iem.at> em nome de Simon Iten <itensimon@gmail.com>
Enviado: terça-feira, 29 de outubro de 2019 06:20
Cc: Pd-list <pd-list@lists.iem.at>
Assunto: Re: [PD] send~ receive~ throw~ catch~ inlet~ outlet~ latency
Johannes, thank you so much for your in depth answer! i hope this will also serve well for others (hence my verbose mail subject)


On Tue, Oct 29, 2019, 10:15 IOhannes m zmoelnig <zmoelnig@iem.at> wrote:
On 28.10.19 23:50, Simon Iten wrote:
> hi there,
> can somebody clear up something for me regarding tilde “wireless” objects and subpatches?
> the G05.execution.order example mentions possible 64-sample delays in send~ receive~ and throw~ catch~

first let's make clear what is causing latency.
e.g. consider three signal objects that are chained up "A->B->C".
when turning DSP "on", those objects will start calculating samples
based on their input.
every 1.45ms ("each DSP tick") all 3 objects will need to calculate 64

if "A" does its calculations before "B" and "B" before "C", then the 3
objects will do their calculations with zero latency. that is: if all
objects just pass their input samples to their output, and at the
beginning of the DSP tick the "A" objects gets a single sample value of
1 (with all other samples before and after being 0), then it will read
this pulse and pass it on to "B" which will read the pulse and pass it
on the "C" which in turn will pass it to its output. once all the
calculations are done, the pulse has passed through all objects.

conversely, what happens if "C" does its calculation before "B" and "B"
before "A"? we still feed the pulse to "A", but since "C" is being
executed first, its input has all zeros which it passes to the final
output, then "B" will read all zeros, passing them to its output, and
finally "A" will pass the pulse to its output.
all DSP calculations are now done, and at the output we get silence (but
there's a pulse lingering between "A" and "B")
in the next DSP tick, "C" will first read its input (which is the output
that "B" 'just' (in the last DSP-tick) created, that is: zeros) and pass
it on; then "B" will pass its input (which is the output that "A" just
created: a pulse) and pass it on.
all DSP calculations are now done, and at the output we get silence (but
now the pulse is pulse lingering between "B" and "C").
in the next DSP tick, "C" will again read its input (which is the output
that "B" just created: a pulse).
once all DSP calculations are done, the output (of "C") will be a pulse.

comparing this to the 1st A, 2nd B, 3rd C calculation above, we see that
the output is late by 2 DSP ticks, which is 2 blocks (each 64 samples,

obviously it is better to do the calculations in the correct order,
because it allows you to achieve zero latency in a whole chain of objects.
So Pd tries hard to do exactly that: if two objects are connected with a
signal connection, the source object will always be processed before the
sink object.
this is done by the Pd-scheduler that sorts the DSP graph (as a directed
acyclic graph that expresses the inter-object dependencies) whenever you
turn DSP "on"

incidentally, this also works for meta-objects ("abstractions" or
"sub-patches"): if you connect two abstractions with signal connections
("X->Y"), then the *entire* source abstraction (*all* signal objects
within "X") will be processed before the entire sink abstraction (*all*
signal objects withing "Y").

now what's different with implicit connections ([s~], [r~],...)?
simply put: the Pd-scheduler (that does the sorting of the DSP
calculations) does not know that a [s~ foo] object is connected to a
[receive~ foo].
these two objects are connected via their own logic, but the
Pd-scheduler doesn't know anything about their inner logic and just
looks at their explicit connections to determine which object needs to
be evaluated first.

depending on the patch, there are three possibilities:
1) somehow the [r~ foo] is connected explicitely to [s~ foo], typically
if you are doing feedback.
in this case, the [r~] must be processed before the [s~], so the [s~]
didn't have the chance yet to generate the new sample block, leaving
[r~] with the last sample block - introducing a delay of one block.

2) somehow the [s~ foo] is connected explicitely to [r~ foo]. this is a
bit harder to acchieve, since [s~] has no outlet and [r~] to inlet.
however, if we put both into abstractions/subpatches with iolet~s, then
we can connect these iolets. since the entire source abstraction is
processed before the entire sink abstraction, any [s~] in the source
abstraction will also be processed before any [r~] in the sink abstraction.
whenever [r~] does it's thing, [s~] will already have produced a new
block of samples, so [r~] will get the fresh stuff and no delay occurs.

3) the [s~] and [r~] are not connected at all (e.g. "[adc~ 1]->[s~ foo]
  [r~ foo]->[dac~ 1]")
in this case, Pd doesn't know whether it should first process the [s~]
or the [r~] and will pick one "randomly". depending on which it picked,
you will get a block delay or not.
this is the "fan out" for signals.

> i don’t fully get the strategy to avoid them.
> do i have to put them into a subpatch and connect inlets~ and outlets~

the *only* safe way to guarantee a certain order of execution for signal
objects is by making their dependencies explicit.
the only way to make dependencies explicit is to use signal connections
(which involves inlet~ and outlet~ when it comes to subpatches)

> (somewhat defeating the purpose of the s~ and r~ objects)

only somewhat.
there are multiple purposes of [s~] and [r~] objects.
avoiding explicit connections is the worst use.

> also, inlet~ and outlet~ never add latency, right?


they don't add latency by themselves, as they are only crutches to make
explicit connections between windows.

but if your subpatch runs on a higher blocksize (e.g. 1024 instead of
the default 64, using [block~ 1024]) then the [inlet~]/[outlet~] objects
are the place were the actual re-blocking happens.


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