I have not used Android or PdDroidParty personally, but readsf~ is used by a couple of the existing droid party sample projects, ie. MultiBeat. Usage is the same as it would be with desktop Pd. You may need to add the local path with a declare if it cannot find a file: [declare -path .] 

Except for how the GUI objects communicate and audio is rendered, most things work the same in PdDroidParty and PdParty as they do on desktop Pd.

On Feb 7, 2020, at 9:31 AM, pd-list-request@lists.iem.at wrote:

Message: 3
Date: Fri, 7 Feb 2020 09:03:28 +0100
From: enrike <altern2@gmail.com>
To: Pd-List <pd-list@lists.iem.at>
Subject: [PD] PdDroidParty: playing sound files?
Message-ID: <483f0f48-739b-40ec-4fef-a9d9184c7c65@gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252; format=flowed


is is possible to play a local soundfile in an Android phone using 
PdDroidParty? I don't see any example that explains how to do it.



Dan Wilcox