Hello Patchers, 

there will be a patching circle at ITP this Friday at 6.30
All are welcome! 

Patching Circle:
Open GL in Max/MSP

Open GL in Max with Josh Goldberg and Matt Romein

Fri, Feb 28 
6:30pm - 8pm

ITP Meeting room and lobby

This is a show and tell/open mic bring your projects to show, get help, or just come hang out. Josh Goldberg and Matt Romein will give an informal presentation on Open GL programming in Max/MSP followed by a short performance/demo. Afterwards we will open up the floor.

The New York City Patching Circle is an free alternating monthly meeting and salon open to anyone who is working or interested in media programming and audiovisual performance. We mostly use Pd and Max/MSP, but all are welcome.

Beginners and Experienced welcome. Open to everyone, students, the public, unicorns.  Work on personal projects, professional projects, school projects, ask for help, help others, or just patch quietly to yourself in a room full of other people patching patches and helping other people patch.

Each month there will be informal salon, featuring demonstrations of projects, performances and systems in the process of being built.  The format will include short performances, artist talks about process and performance techniques and Q&A depending on time availability.  The salon is openly curated with the intent of being as inclusive as possible and participation is open all practitioners working in realtime media.

Sofy Yuditskaya