The documentation for Pd says that it started from the desire to make
something similar to Max BUT with a facility for user-customizable
scoring, what is now Pd's data structure system. IMO this is the
single most useful aspect of Pd. The only other software I know of
that would allow similar functioning would be toolkits (like the one
used for Pd) or graphics libraries for adding into programming
languages. I guess Java is another possibility. AFAIK Max still doesn't have anything like Pd's data structures (there is something in the documentation about "data structures" but it don't work the same).
I personally never spent much time with Max simply because I like to share my programs with non-programmers. I'm also very fond of FOSS for all the usual reasons. I also like to use Linux; I have Windows XP and Linux running on my laptop, and Mac OSX on my wife's, so even if I wanted to put Max on my Windows system I'd have to buy it twice to use it on both comps. I already have Pd on all 3 OS's, and if I work on a university computer it only takes a few minutes to put Pd on it, and I can work on the same patches. At one point I had Pd installers for several OS's on my flash drive, so I didn't even need net access to use it on any computer I came across.
Maybe these aren't reasons for you, but they're my experience. In general terms, I'd say one un-trumpable advantage of Pd is that, if there are any features Max might have that Pd doesn't, they can be added to Pd by anyone who knows how (or wants to learn). I don't know if Max has any video control or not, but if you haven't already checked out Pd's GEM, you can easily spend days exploring it without eating.
If you are interested in hardcore digital audio control, I'd also suggest Csound and SuperCollider (PsyCollider on Windows). I know Csound better than Pd at this point, but I try to balance myself between those two. There is also something called Nyquist that I haven't explored. Blue is a very useful free front-end for Csound, written in Java and so cross-platform. There's also a Pd object called csoundapi~ that comes with Csound, allowing one to use the data structures of Pd with the huge library of opcodes of Csound. The guy who created it is very open to requests and questions, not surprisingly.
The GIMP is a great free almost-Photoshop. I believe there is documentation somewhere actually delineating what it doesn't have that PS does, I don't think it's much. Blender is a free 3d-modeling app with a crazy, efficient interface. I think it's cool, but I'm no expert.
Hi everybody,I'm a stage/audiovisual technician willing to make a move into digital arts. I've been using pd for quite some time know and I was wondering if it would be useful for me to learn Max: according to you guys, which of the two programs seems to be most widely used, most popular, most promising in terms of future devellopements? Is it worth to be good in both or to become "excellent" (whatever that means...) in one of them? Is there another platform out there that would be worth giving a look (outside of the established stuff like pro tools, final cut, photoshop etc...) Thank you for your answers.D.S
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