Basic Pd oft info is in the /font/README.txt:

If someone compiles a list of useful fonts, we could also add them to the readme and/or a wiki page some where (if there isn't one already).

On Apr 5, 2019, at 5:46 PM, wrote:

Hi, dear list !

trying to get around PD in ubuntu linux and was curious if other fonts 
rather than "DejaVu Sans Mono" can be used or what i would have to do to 
make it work.

another question:
what about LINUX fonts that have spaces in their names ? how can they be 
loaded for PD ? quotes don't seem to work !

i tried to launch PD under ubuntu 18 with the flag

-font-face "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono"

and received a serious Tcl/Tk error that i only could escape by killing 
PD and changing .pdsettings manually (i guess it said because of the 
quotes symbol - but forgot to write it down ...)

i'd like to try some classic fonts like courier or other mono fonts but 
so far none of them was accepted and "DejaVu Sans Mono" was loaded instead.

Not a big problem but i just wanted to know what experiences other linux 
users here have concerning using different fonts

thanks for any hints



Dan Wilcox