Some updates:

On Jul 17, 2017, at 10:33 PM, Federico Camara Halac <> wrote:

I like this. I notice two minor things:
-Path preferences get saved and work but are not displayed on the Path dialog or in the Help Browser.

I tracked this down and the list item display is now fixed. There is still an issue with the search paths not being loaded when the core settings are loaded.

-The Log level is not saved in the pref file.

I just added log level saving/loading from gui prefs.

I really like the keyboard availability for the Browser. I notice two minor things again (now I think I'm just whining):

-MOUSE | KEYS: Entering a directory kinda destroys and creates the windows making a visual burst, like [;pd-foo vis 0, vis 1(. 

Reverting the fix works. Looks good on Tk 8.4 and slight blink sometimes on 8.6 on mac, but not a big deal.

- Going back from a sub item (Pure Data/1.manual/1.introduction.txt) to its parent (1.manual) doesn't delete the new created column. It is confusing. It does delete the new column when you go 2 steps back, and it does so without the visual burst.

This is intended behavior from the root menu. I tried it this way and it's pretty *annoying.*

- The first item that appears when entering a new directory for the first time is selected with a squared box, but it's not selected in blue, which is confusing because selection actually does takes place (i.e., if the item is not a directory, hitting the 'right' arrow will open it)

I fixed the highlight selection by making sure the active item in each new listbox is actually highlighted. This is much easier to follow and complements the black focus rectangle. Also, the highlight is now removed by deselecting the entry when moving to the left.

Dan Wilcox