Tweak festival, taking place this September 13th to 24th all around Limerick City, Ireland.  Tweak is a festival that operates under a multi-faceted, multi-dimensional design that aims to inspire, educate, inquire and celebrate contemporary art mediums such computer coding, creative recycling, rewired sound sculptures and electronic art installations.


Two workshops will take place as part of Tweak on September 14th - 16th.
Places are limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis.


Worskhop tutors: Benjamin Gaulon and Lawrence Rozema

All Out Design 5 Sarsfield Street
10 am Wednesday 15th - 5pm Thursday 16th September
Fee €80
Limited to 10 participants

Skill level: Beginners

Using e-waste as raw material, this workshop offer participants to become familiar with basic hardware and software hacking / recycling while at the same time gaining hands-on experience making an interactive art project.

This workshop is open to participants of different backgrounds and no programming or electronic skills are required. The idea is to start from scratch and create a complete project over a short time, including concept, design, electronics / interfacing, and functional programming with Arduino, Max/Msp, Pure Data or Processing.
In this workshop participants will deconstruct readily-available, cheap electronic devices into interactive tools is more than a lot of fun; the process offers the same visible, hands-on learning and understanding acquired through dissection. By re-purposing second-hand hardware or cheap toys, a commercial, mass-produced product is transformed into a unique device, with potential for new and original means of expression or communication. The objects produced in this workshop will be exhibited as part of the Tweak exhibition in the Church Gallery Space in LSAD


Worskhop tutors:Antonin Fourneau and Julien Gachadoat

All Out Design 5 Sarsfield Street
10 am Tuesday 14th - 5pm Thursday 16th September
Fee €110
Limited to 12 participants

Skill level: Intermediate to Advanced

Transform a common object in something of magic. In this workshop participants will use everyday items to giving them new functions by the help of technologies like Arduino and Processing. Participants will create new kinds of readymade objects but ones that interact with human. Sort of clever, social or antisocial, critical... The participants will work on to interconnect this objects and once connected they will produce an amazing collaborative program and show.
1 sensor + 1 item produces 1 effect (sound or visual)
You bring electronic equipment (ready to be sacrificed)

The workshop will be conducted over three days where participants will brainstorm and develop 5 project prototypes, which together will produce a collaborative visual and sound show. Participants will work with processing, Arduino and openFrameworks to develop and make these objects.  The outcomes of this workshop will be then displayed in the Tweak exhibition

More Information:
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Nicholas Ward
DMARC (Digital Media and Arts Research Centre) 
Department of Computer Science and Information Systems 

University of Limerick 
Rm: CS2-12
T: +353 (0)6123 4246