Hello, sorry if this is a worn out topic. I know Frank doesn't use macs, and I don't much either, but I need to get this external running on one for an upcoming class assignment/performance. Basically, flext and fluidsynth are compiled on OSX
10.3.9, and the fluid~.pd_darwin building starts, but it cannot locate the frameowrk Fluidsynth. I cannot find any reference to this framework, and all that I can find installed from the build is a binary fluidsynth and a
libfluidsynth.a in /usr/local/lib. Can anyone who has gotten this to build explain what I must do?
Also, I posted about the fluid~ external in linux a while ago, and while I never got the external to compile, I found a working binary that works fantastically. Its not in the repository any more though..
Anyhow, thanks