>>Apparently the cross-plataform issue is because OSX only handle fonts with no spaces in its name.
>not at all, this is not in the account of OSX... I can use DejaVu Sans Mono in all other softwares but Pd Vanilla, so this is in Pd's account, sorry…
>and, also, purr data loads dejavu sans in Mac OS
>well... not sure if something important was clear enough, let me say again, in windows, Pd Extended came and loaded DejaVu Sans Mono!
>So, check it out... vanilla in windows complained for the lack of DejaVu Sans Mono, then I installed Extended and it was using DejaVu, so I reopen Vanilla and now it finds it.
>This to me makes it seem it's totally possible for Pd to ship and load fonts accordingly, but that's not all…
>In Extended, the font still looks ok and nice, it doesn't corrupt the visuals in the patch, it's only in vanilla that things get screwed up
>here, let me show you 2 print screens, a patch in Extended that looks a lot like the Mac Os version with Monaco, that looks also reasonably the same as Purr Data in every platform, and how vanilla in windows with dejavu sans got screwy... in the same way as in linux…