#N canvas 0 0 949 935 10; #N canvas 377 111 827 710 REFERENCE 0; #X text 114 141 Summary distort by reducing the sample rate to generate aliasing; #X text 114 174 Argument0 name for state saving (required); #X text 114 194 Argument1 aliasing factor (optional); #X text 114 214 Inlet0 audio signal to distort; #X text 114 234 Inlet1 alias : set aliasing. dry : regulat dry/wet mix \, default 0 which is fully wet.; #X text 114 267 Outlet0 alias-distorted audio signal.; #X text 114 121 Name e_alias; #X text 112 301 Description distorts any audio signal by reducing the sample rate to generate aliasing.; #X text 122 529 Tags distortion effect samplerate reduction; #X coords 0 -1 1 1 450 450 1 100 100; #X restore 469 460 pd REFERENCE; #N canvas 377 111 827 710 REFERENCE 0; #X text 114 121 Name: e_alias; #X text 114 141 Summary: distort by reducing the sample rate to generate aliasing; #X text 114 174 Argument 0: name for state saving (required); #X text 114 194 Argument 1: aliasing factor (optional); #X text 114 214 Inlet 0: audio signal to distort; #X text 114 267 Outlet 0: alias-distorted audio signal.; #X text 112 301 Description: distorts any audio signal by reducing the sample rate to generate aliasing.; #X text 114 234 Inlet 1: alias : set aliasing. dry : regulat dry/wet mix \, default 0 which is fully wet.; #X text 122 529 Tags: distortion \, effect \, samplerate reduction ; #X coords 0 -1 1 1 450 450 1 100 100; #X restore 19 10 pd REFERENCE; #N canvas 377 111 827 710 REFERENCE 0; #X text 114 141 Summary : distort by reducing the sample rate to generate aliasing; #X text 114 174 Argument 0 : name for state saving (required); #X text 114 194 Argument 1 : aliasing factor (optional); #X text 114 234 Inlet 1 : alias : set aliasing. dry : regulat dry/wet mix \, default 0 which is fully wet.; #X text 114 214 Inlet 0 : audio signal to distort; #X text 114 121 Name : e_alias; #X text 114 267 Outlet 0 : alias-distorted audio signal.; #X text 112 301 Description : distorts any audio signal by reducing the sample rate to generate aliasing.; #X text 122 529 Tags : distortion - effect - samplerate reduction; #X coords 0 -1 1 1 450 450 1 100 100; #X restore 469 10 pd REFERENCE; #N canvas 377 111 827 710 REFERENCE 0; #X text 114 267 Outlet 0 : alias-distorted audio signal.; #X text 114 121 Name - e_alias; #X text 114 141 Summary - distort by reducing the sample rate to generate aliasing; #X text 114 174 Argument 0 - name for state saving (required); #X text 114 194 Argument 1 - aliasing factor (optional); #X text 114 214 Inlet 0 - audio signal to distort; #X text 114 234 Inlet 1 - alias : set aliasing. dry : regulat dry/wet mix \, default 0 which is fully wet.; #X text 112 301 Description - distorts any audio signal by reducing the sample rate to generate aliasing.; #X text 122 529 Tags - distortion - effect - samplerate reduction; #X coords 0 -1 1 1 450 450 1 100 100; #X restore 19 460 pd REFERENCE;