Ok, just found the answer to my question, if I quit Terminal, Pd quits as well...

On Mon, Feb 4, 2013 at 2:43 PM, Alexandros Drymonitis <adrcki@gmail.com> wrote:
What I have in mind is to connect a beagleboard to my laptop via ethernet, so the former plays audio and the latter is dealing with the visuals, communicating via OSC (mrpeach lib). Since my only controller will be an arduino nano, I only have 8 potentiometers and ten buttons, and I wouldn't like to spear any of these for something that can be done via the command line (plus, it could happen that I accidentally press the 'quit' button by mistake, during a performance). I tried your suggestions but they won't work. I'm on OS X 10.8.2 and via the Terminal I open Pd like this:
pdsend is in the same directory, but I've no idea how to use it via command line to quit Pd..

On Mon, Feb 4, 2013 at 2:22 PM, Charles Goyard <cg@fsck.fr> wrote:

it depends vastly on your patch and how you access it without gui. MIDI
? OSC ? network ?

On my computer (archlinux) "killall pd" on the command-line works.

> Adding a [; pd quit( I understand, but that will need an external
> controller to hit the message box, right?

Yes, that's what I meant when I said :

> > Make so that this message is banged when the work is done.

Sorry for being unclear.

Attached is an example from something I use.

echo "control quit;" | pdsend 3489
makes pd exit.

You can replace the network and route logic with a midi controller or
whatever. Mine is controlled from Processing/controlP5.


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