VISUALIZAR'11: Understanding Infrastructures

Call for Projects and Papers

Deadline: March 21, 2011
Call for collaborators: April 11, 2011
Dates of the workshop: June 14 through July 1, 2011

Medialab-Prado and EOI Business School call for projects and papers that will investigate, analyze and represent through data the running of infrastractures and global systems. Selected projects will be collaboratively developed during the Visualizar'11: Understanding infrastructures workshop, that will be held in Madrid from June 16 to July 1,  2011.

Papers will be publicly presented during the previous international seminar on June 14 and 15, 2011.

Possible topics:

- Energy infrastructures. Power grids, gas and oil distribution networks,  renewable energy production networks…
- Transport infrastructures. Aerial and sea routes, road and rail networks, urban mobility networks…
- Information infrastructures. Radio and TV broadcasting, data networks, communications satellites, underwater cables, wireless urban networks, terrestrial and mobile telephony. 
- Supply chain infrastracture. Processes and systems of the agro-alimentary production, goods and products distribution networks…
- Removal Chain.  Waste collection systems, treatment plants, recycling processes…
- Economy and financial infrastructures. Banks, trade zones, processes and agents of the financial markets…
- Legal infrastructures. International agreements, regulation bodies, territory regulation plans… (See the list of related links and references)

Medialab-Prado’s Visualizar program is a research and education platform devoted to exploring the culture of Big Data and its impact today in science, society and the arts.

Since its first edition in 2007 the program has gathered more than one hundred participants from all over the world who have developed projects explaining stories about phenomena like pollution levels and traffic flows within big cities, the use of social networks in political campaigns or the financing of cultural institutions.

Each Visualizar edition includes an intensive project development workshop, a conference, educational activities open to the public and the exhibition of the developed projects. 

Directed by José Luis de Vicente. With the support of Bestiario.

Those interested may apply until March 21 through the online form available at

More information:

Nerea García Garmendia
Comunicación / Press
Área de Las Artes, Ayuntamiento de Madrid
Plaza de las Letras
Alameda, 15 28014 Madrid
Tfno. +34 914 202 754

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