It's quite clear as I read a while ago:

If you’re developing an iPhone application that you intend to submit to Apple’s App Store and you want to make use of a third-party’s software library that happens to be licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), you have a couple of choices according to the license requirements:

• You can open-source your app.  Specifically, you provide to your users the source code of your entire application under the LGPL or GPL.  That means for example all the .h and .m files.
• You can keep your app closed-source, but you provide to your users all the object code of your  application necessary to re-link your application.  That means for example all the .o and .a files.  Most people forget that this option is in fact available to iPhone app developers.

Since I've alreayd open sourced my app, I have no issues. It's only an issue if you're using libpd in a closed source app. It would be nice to moe to BSD, but at least I'd be able to use it ...

On Oct 5, 2013, at 1:45 PM, i go bananas <> wrote:

thing is, we STILL don't know for sure if apple will accept LGPL.  they have not said yes or no on that issue.  

If someone else wants to try contacting them, maybe something has changed since last year...?

Dan Wilcox