apparently when i thought it was running from your server it was running
so I downloaded it, read your documentation and just changed it so that the index.html
loads the js from its own folder, it's kinda hard to follow but
looks like there is less overhead than a websocket server in pd
I say looks like, only from what is seen in the pd patch.
now how do i get it to speak FUDI?
the semicolons are preceded by a slash in your messagebox, not sure if that will work like a semicolon not preceded by a slash.
I would imagine that this would be ok to send 2d arrays right?
what about sequencing from javascript?
javascript isn't good enough even for a 90 bpm sequencer sending note ons and offs monophonically, the play position indicator falls behind then the messages start lagging, this is with setTimeOut() not the nifty new
html audio dsp clock, but i reckon you could implement a an edit view piano roll or multiple ones of the step sequencer in the browser and update
a storage object in pd just sending messages about when you add or delete a note. then when playing the sequence pd can send a click every bar or something in case the html view gets behind.
and another thing - do you have to connect or open the connection everytime you send a message to the server from a web browser?
with sockets in JAVA you just open the connection once and it stays alive.