MIDI is a serial protocol, individual bits running down a single line, we now also have USB midi which is a little bit different than that but usually that is abstracted for you.
The software monitor you're using likely groups these for you but in reality you simply have a stream of individual bits on the hardware line..
PD's object let you do bytes at a time instead of individual bits :)

On Thu, Feb 22, 2018 at 1:47 PM, mario buoninfante <mario.buoninfante@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Alex,

thanks for your reply. I think that also using your abstraction Pd will spit out 1 byte per time (I didn't check it, but I assume that cause it's not an external in C).

about MIDI if I'm not wrong, bytes are grouped in accord with the type of message, ie Note on/off and CC are 3 bytes messages, channel pressure and program change are 2 bytes, sysex have variable length and so on. and I presume they're sent out in group.

in fact when I monitor MIDI messages coming for certain applications (I'm on Linux and I'm using Gmidimonitor) the console tells me the sysex size in bytes. so, with Pd the size is always 1 byte, but with other programming languages and softwares is variable and goes in accord with the sysex I generated.



On 02/22/2018 09:34 PM, Alex wrote:
I haven't tested in a while but I wrote an abstraction to take a list, wrap it in the sysex start and end and output it as individual bytes: https://github.com/x37v/pure_data

midi is a byte oriented protocol..

On Thu, Feb 22, 2018 at 1:24 PM, mario buoninfante <mario.buoninfante@gmail.com> wrote:

do you guys know if there's a way to send a list of sysex messages (or 1 complete message, let's say 8 bytes long) rather then 1 byte per time?

if not, do you know if there's a particular reason why it's not possible?



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