2014-09-28 9:24 GMT+02:00 Richie Cyngler <glitchpop@gmail.com>:
Thanks IOhannes,

Oops I forgot the "open" in the message box. Nice solution however we would still have to either have multiple hand written message boxes or manually edit a message box. Your patch would probably help accidentally overwriting files though.

how about:

[makefilename take_%03d.wav]
[open $1, start(

or, instead of just the numberbox, I like to use [time], [date], [l2s] and [makefilename take_%s.wav]
that way you can be quite sure you'll have a unique filename each time.


On Sun, Sep 28, 2014 at 5:12 PM, <zmoelnig@iem.at> wrote:

Quoting Miller Puckette <msp@ucsd.edu>:

I can't remember when that disappeared - years ago.

i think it was lost during the gui-rewrite.
(the argument being, that this feature was mainly useful for Copy-Paste which - snce the rewrite - works within msg-boxes)


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