On Mon, Jul 11, 2016 at 9:32 AM, Winfried Ritsch <ritsch@iem.at> wrote:

1) Had anyone experience with or used the tag type "m" for transmitting MIDI
over OSC ?

from http://opensoundcontrol.org/spec-1_0 :

" m 4 byte MIDI message. Bytes from MSB to LSB are: port id, status byte,
data1, data2"

2) Is there a defined protocol for MIDI over OSC ?

3) How to implement this in Pd ?
 since there are no 'm' typetags defined for [oscformat] and [packOSC]

I can add 'm' to [packOSC] and [unpackOSC], it's not too  difficult...
How would a MIDI message be specified? I can add a selector like [sendmidi /some/path 1 2 3 4( where 1 2 3 4 are the four bytes. Would the MIDI channel be in the portID or the status byte as usual? [unpackOSC] would emit the path and a (multiple of 4)-byte list.
The [sendmidi( message would accept any amount of MIDI quads. MIDI sysex messages would be better sent as blobs.
Single-byte MIDI messages would still need to be sent as four bytes.

I ask, because someone want to send MIDI over OSC to my Robot-Pianoplayer
driven by Pd and I do not know if this is used by other software this way, if
it is "worth" to implement.

It's a bit more efficient than sending four integers. In Pd you can't make every possible 32-bit integer from four bytes since it has to be converted to a 32-bit float first, so the simple method of packing a MIDI message into one integer won't work.
