On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 10:53 PM, Mathieu Bouchard <
> Le 2011-11-14 à 14:44:00, tim vets a écrit :
>> Attached is the output of "valgrind
--leak-check=full pdextended" and
>> opening fux_kinect-help.pd.
> I think that you better not add --leak-check when
just looking for a crash.
> But the only problem it does, is make the log file
> Here's what I found (summarising the important error
messages) :
> Invalid write of size 1 at convert_bayer_to_rgb (in
libfreenect) by [...] by
> libusb_handle_events_timeout (in libusb). Address
0xa066360 is [between 0
> and 5] bytes after a block of size 307,200 alloc'd
> This means that when libusb gives libfreenect the
RGGB buffer and
> libfreenect is converting it to plain RGB, it makes a
mistake and writes 6
> bytes more than just 640*480 pixels, as if there were
2 extra pixels at the
> end. But I think that this is a bit misleading. It
looks as if Valgrind was
> skipping a lot of other errors (probably by not able
to detect them). Read
> on.
> Then there is invalid write of size 1 from the same
place but « Address is
> 749 bytes inside a block of size 12,800 free'd ».
This doesn't look like any
> malloc that we know about. The number of bytes does
not ring a bell either.
> But then it says that the memory was freed by request
> /usr/lib/nvidia-current/libGL.so.270.41.06, which is
a part of your video
> driver. (???)
> But I just looked at how convert_bayer_to_rgb is
written, and it doesn't
> look like it writes to more than one buffer. This
function only writes 480
> rows of 640 columns. But note that it writes RGB
values, three bytes per
> pixel. That means you need a malloc(640*480*3) for
each of the three RGB
> buffers in fux_kinect.
> | Mathieu BOUCHARD ----- téléphone :
+1.514.383.3801 ----- Montréal,