On Aug 16, 2011, at 2:29 PM, Daniel Roviriego wrote:
forgot to mention the arrowheads are working, besides the error message:
Using Ubuntu 10.10. Tcl version 8.5.8-2build1 and tk version 8.5.8-1
2011/8/16 Daniel Roviriego
<danifernando@gmail.com> Hi Hans..
Iḿ getting this error trying to use the plugin
invalid command name ".gfxstub8566bd8.c"
invalid command name ".gfxstub8566bd8.c"
while executing
"$tkcanvas itemconfigure cord -arrow none"
(procedure "add_arrows_to_cords" line 8)
invoked from within
"add_arrows_to_cords .gfxstub8566bd8"
(command bound to event)
I whipped up a quick plugin to add arrowheads to cord when in editmode. The arrowheads clearly show the direction that the messages are flowing.
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Daniel Roviriego
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M2D multi_meios
Daniel Roviriego
(21) 35920701
(21) 99561654
M2D multi_meios
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