Hi guys.
Thanks a lot!
Yes, I worked it out from my own messages from decades ago asking about it!
I managed to replace it with iemguts/receivecanvas with a small workaround. [tot] was able to take the name of a canvas as argument, but [receivecanvas] seems to only take an int telling it how many levels "up" to read. This means I have to put a small subpatch on the canvas I want to read and send the data out, instead of reading it remotely, but it works now.


On Tue, Jan 17, 2023 at 1:05 AM Peter P. <peterparker@fastmail.com> wrote:
Dear BadMuthaHubbard, (one of my favourite email addresses on this list
since long)

a quick check in the SVN repository of old externals yielded
which makes me assume there is a tot object in either a lib called
[miXed] or [toxy], maybe courtesy of Krzsystof Czaya or Hans-Christoph
Steiner. A quick startpage.com search brings up results which may
indicate that [toxy] is by now unmaintained. Others may have better
knowledge of its current situation.

cheersz, P

* Chuckk Hubbard <badmuthahubbard@gmail.com> [2023-01-16 21:17]:
> Hello.
> This is from 2007. A complete microtonal sequencer in Pd, with 8 voices,
> copy-paste, tempo control, soundfont loading, etc.
> I know I used cyclone, Gem and zexy. I also used the csoundapi~ object, but
> I don't think it was essential, as the .csd file itself is invalid, so I
> probably never incorporated that. I updated to the csound6~ object; but I
> don't think this is a show-stopper.
> I have two vexing errors, shown in the images: this [tot score] object and
> the Tcl error.
> I seem to think this [tot] object was also from an external, but I'm not
> seeing any hints in the lists of externals. It appears to be routing
> mouse/keyboard messages, real or artificially generated, no?
> Chuckk
> [image: JI-Pd-Errors.png][image: JI-totscore.png][image: JI-main.png]

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