Hi Loïc
Th canvas only refreshes if it is open. To get around this problem, you can use a "menu-open" command to open the sub-window right before and "vis 0" right after to close. The whole thing would look something like this:
"menu-open, donecanvasdialog 1 1 -1 0 -1 1 1 120 40 10 $1, vis 0"
From: Pd-list <pd-list-bounces@lists.iem.at> on behalf of Loïc Reboursiere <loicreboursiere@gmail.com>
Sent: 23 March 2018 09:31
To: pd-list@lists.iem.at
Subject: [PD] Moving canvas dialog isnide abstraction doesn't refresh well.I'm trying to script the position of the canvas dialog inside an abstraction but the graphics don't refresh at all.Hi list,first post here !
The idea is to have a [vradio] object to control the position of the canvas so that it switches to different options inside the abstraction (like bpatcher offset message in Max). Is it the right way to do it (using donecanvasdialog message) or is there another one ?
Patches are attached. The one to launch is action-choice.pd
Thanks !