thanks for that, scott! it still doesn't work, but i'm sure i'll figure it out once i have some time and my unix commands book at hand... now not home, touring north america instead. which of course is lots of fun too!
i didn't install fftw, soundlib, pkgconfig myself, so i'll have to do that first before compiling. what's more puzzling, the compiled aubio lib doesn't work, though it's in the right folder, has '-lib audio' in the 'startup flags' and i also included the path to it in the prefs. but those prefs are a bit confusing anyway: what i change in the startup prefs as accessed through pd doesn't always show up in the xml Property List Editor, though the other way around it does show, at least the 'startup flags' do. i'm now just changing what i need in the PLE, but i'm not sure whether that's really the right way. according to mathieu bouchard, .pdrc should be the way to go, but i'll have to figure out what that is and how that works. also, others say that method might get outdated, leaving everything to the xml way.
once i get back to the aubio, i'll let you know how i progress.
cheers, robbert
mac osx 10.4.8, 15" G4 PB 1.67 GHz, 1 GB ram
On 11/3/06 1:56 PM, "Scott Driscoll" <> wrote:
it literally too me two weeks to get that stuff to compile. Granted I'm not great at this compiling business myself. There are some dependencies including FFTW and soundlib, and pkgconfig that have to be installed with ./configure and make before you ./configure aubio. Did you get those correctly installed? i ran into some issues where the make or configure couldn't find certain files because they were being installed in unusual directories. If you want I can try to help you get past the error messages you're getting. I'm including the pd object just in case. it's a PD library, so it's just one file but it contains all of the tools.
One other important thing. Place the aubio.pd_darwin in the extra folder within the Pd application (PD-->Contents-->Resources-->Extra). Right click the PD app and click show contents if you don't already know this.
Then add the following line under Pd preferences-->startup--> startup flags: -verbose -lib aubio
The verbose just displays what it's trying to do, so you can see where exactly it's searching for aubio. the -lib aubio loads the aubio library. You need this line because it's a library object (collection of objects). Single objects don't require this.
I'm not sure what the "no such file or dir" error means. Just make sure you're in the right directory before calling ./configure?
good luck!
robbert van hulzen wrote:
yup, that's the one i've got. i don't actually think the problem's in the
code, it's probably just that i have no idea how to do this. ./configure
seems to be a command that doesn't work, also leaving out the . or the / or
the ./ didn't do anything. i guess the problem is that i don't know how
these things work, so i can't think of solutions. if you could tell me how
to do this, i'd be very happy, as it'd enable me to solve similar problems
in the future. but if you think it's just too big a step, wanting to run
before knowing how to walk or even crawl, your compiled objects would be
most welcome too.
thanks a lot four your help!
cheers, robbert
On 11/2/06 8:21 AM, "Scott Driscoll" <> <> wrote:
Hi, think the latest version of aubio has gotten a lot of kinks worked
out concerning compiling on a mac. Do you have the latest one?
aubio-0.3.2.tar.gz? If you can't get it to work without too much
trouble I can email you the objects I compiled. I've also been porting
it over to a Max/MSP object but I still some issues to work out with that.
Let me know,
robbert van hulzen wrote:
dear aubios,
frank barknecht posted a great patch on the pd list: a "slicer" that cuts up
a sample and plays back the segments in random order. however, i'm using
[bonk~] instead of his proposed aubio-objects, as i wasn't able to find a
compiled version on the internet (if that's at all possible?), and my
attempts to compile the thing myself stranded very early. i would like to
understand why, and how to make it work, so any help would be appreciated
(that could also be: "don't even start thinking about things like this yet",
as i really don't have any idea about compiling and related issues).
here's what happened:
following the instructions in the download's install instructions:
$ sh ./configure
./configure: ./configure: No such file or directory
following instructions from the aubio mailing list:
$ gcc -bundle -undefined suppress -flat_namespace -laubio -L../src/.libs -o
aubio.pd_darwin *.o
powerpc-apple-darwin8-gcc-4.0.0: *.o: No such file or directory
i suppose i'm doing some very basic things wrong. but oh how to figure out
which things those are, exactly.
cheers, robbert
#N canvas 27 302 238 292 10;
#X obj 50 33 adc~;
#X obj 59 137 vu 15 120 empty empty -1 -8 0 8 -66577 -1 1 0;
#X obj 58 109 scale 0 2000 -100 12;
#N canvas 270 196 450 300 aubioonset 1;
#X text 71 130 set blocksize to 1024 with 50% overlap;
#X obj 56 90 outlet;
#X obj 57 41 inlet~;
#X obj 55 64 aubioonset~ 0.1;
#X text 29 141 ugly. not required \, but should give better results
#X obj 200 95 block~ 1024 2 1;
#X text 129 22 aubioonset~ takes an input signal and outputs the value
of the value of the onset detection function;
#X connect 2 0 3 0;
#X connect 3 0 1 0;
#X restore 58 78 pd aubioonset;
#X obj 108 141 nbx 5 14 -1e+37 1e+37 0 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 10
-262144 -1 -1 1310.81 256;
#X connect 0 0 3 0;
#X connect 0 1 3 0;
#X connect 2 0 1 0;
#X connect 3 0 2 0;
#X connect 3 0 4 0;