I seem to be getting closer
[255 81 3 $1 $2 $3( seems to do the trick, (the 3 was necessary to designate the 3 following bytes...)
still not sure why [255 81 3 7 161 32( does not result in 120bpm but "120qpm" and 80bpm...

2018-02-10 19:18 GMT+01:00 tim vets <timvets@gmail.com>:
I've been looking into writing out midi using mrpeach's [midifile].
Now I'm trying to write a tempo change message into the midi file.
So far I figured out that the message format should be "FF 51 tt tt tt".
(e.g. as described here http://www.deluge.co/?q=midi-tempo-bpm )
I'm not sure though, how to translate that into a message that [midifile] can accept to correctly write the tempo change into the file.
I tried a few variations, like [255 81 500000( (for 120bpm)
or by first changing the 500000 into three hexadecimal bytes, and then turn those into 3 floats
[255 81 7 51 0(
but all I get is extremely low tempi when I import that midifile into a DAW (I seem to get the most informative results with Rosegarden)
Any ideas?