I m not sure what you're trying to achieve...
If you need the same sample to overlap with itself i think you'll need two phasor~ objects to read from your table. You can "reset" a phasor~, that is force it to start from 0 again, by sending 0 to it's right inlet. So if you send 0 to both they will play your sample together, and if you send 0 to one phasor only the sample will overlap. The question is : how do you want them to overlap? Is there a precise timing?

Another way to make a sample overlap is to use a single phasor~ object reading the same table from two different channels. See example in attaches patch.


2010/10/26 Pagano, Patrick <pat@digitalworlds.ufl.edu>


what is the proper way to play a sample so that if i play a table or an array with a sound in it and i trigger it to start again it will overlap or play both soundfiles at the same time?
I assume it has to do with the tabplay~ object buti would love a hint on how to achieve this properly

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