On Aug 26, 2011, at 12:20 PM, IOhannes zmölnig <
zmoelnig@iem.at> wrote:
> after long years of waiting (foir you) and hard labour (for me), Gem
> 0.93 has been released today.
> large parts of the underlying engine have been re-written to give you a
> better experience!
> binaries are available for w32 (installer & zip), for the brave and
> adventurous there is the source code.
> binaries for OSX and not available yet, but we hope to get them online
> soonish.
> grab it while it's hot:
> alternatively you can get the files from
> highlights
> ==========
> Objects
> -------
> frei0r video plugins support
> - [mesh], [surface3d],...
> - [separator] now takes arguments to define which stacks to push/pop
> documentation
> -------------
> - numerous bigfixes and improvements
> extra
> -----
> - [pix_fiducialtrack] is no more part of Gem (but comes bundled with Gem)
> - [pix_artoolkit] fiducial tracking using ARToolKit
> - [pix_drum], [pix_mano]: Jaime Olivier's analysis objects!
> plugins
> -------
> image acquisition is now factored out into "plugins"
> this means that you can e.g. easily add new image acquisition methods to
> the existing [pix_video], [pix_film] and [pix_image] objects
> - still image loading/saving now uses plugins on all platforms
> on w32 you can now use ImageMagick and/or QuickTime for loading/saving
> images, which greatly increases the number of supported formats.
> you now get programmatic feedback on image loading success...
> - video acquisition now uses plugins on all platforms
> uniform way to get or set properties/attributes/controls, like hue,
> saturation, shutter-speed, pan,...
> working DV support (on linux)
> V4L also works with newer kernels (that dropped v4l)
> support for IIDC
> support for industrial grade GigE cameras using 3rd party libraries
> such as PYLON, Halcon or AVT's PvAPI
> experimental UNICAP support
> - film acquisition now uses plugins on all platforms (you could use
> gmerlin on w32 or osx...)
> - recording (film output) now uses plugins on all platforms
> support for V4L2 (and V4L) loopback devices, in order to generate a
> fake live video from your Gem window - use itfor recording, streaming,...
> settings
> --------
> global & local settings files to modify the overall behaviour of Gem
> you don't like Gem's default framerate, windowsize, font, texture
> mode,...? change it once and for all
> internals
> ---------
> - API: this is the first Gem with a "public" API: a selection of headers
> that you can use to write your own Gem-plugins
> build-system
> - build system: completely switched to a proper autotools
> - openGL: updated bundled GLEW
> - source organization: re-organized the entire source tree for hopefully
> better maintainability
> lowlights
> =========
> i need an OSX developer willing to spend some time in getting image
> acquisition and windowing to work on OSX>=10.6 (x86_64)
> mfga,dsra
> IOhannes