
Am 18.11.2015 um 13:57 schrieb Py Fave <pyfave@gmail.com>:

in your playhd patch

you can change the lenght of the array in sfplay look help

I am using PD Vanilla.

also i see in soundfiler help:

read - resize  should help

-maxsize <maximum number of samples we can resize to>

The abstraction uses [readsf~] because I want to play the soundfiles directly from disk without reading them into an array.
How can I change the soundfiler -maxsize in this case ?

2015-11-16 20:28 GMT+01:00 <achim@bornhoeft.org>:
I wrote a little wrapper abstraction for [hdplay~] (s. attachment)
Working with longer soundfiles I get this error message and the sound is stopped after some time:
"soundfiler_read: truncated to 4000000 elements"
I there a way to solve this ?
Thanks, Achim

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