I'm building a daemon to capture the commands from a Contour
ShuttleXpress to send OSC commands to other software and don't
want to be stuck with [key] because Pd will probably not have the
focus. The patch runs in the background like a good daemon should.
On Windows I got [hidin] to to the job with no hassle.
I wasn't able to get [hid] to work with Pd Vanilla 0.48 on a
Mac. I only managed to get it to work with Pd extended. Is there
an alternative for recent versions of Vanilla or is there
something else that needs to be installed? I tried to use libdir
but no luck so far.
The help patches won't work either.
I could get it to work on Pd-extended, but I would like to see if
there is an alternative with recent vanilla versions.
Thanks for your help.