Residency: wanted software developer

For a new Artist in Residence project at [ars]numerica (Montbéliard Cedex, France;, media artist Sonia Cillari is looking for a software developer for a period of 5 weeks. The starting date is beginning of February 2009.
Requested: fluidity in a wide range of languages and tools, understanding of both software and hardware sides of creative projects with digital media. C/C++, OpenGL, Ogre, 3D programming, PD, physics simulation, computer vision, sound integration.
The timeframe of the project is in consultation with the artist. More information is available on request.

If you're interested, please contact:
Yasmina Demoly (chargée de production [ars]numerica): mina ( at ]
Sonia Cillari ( sonia.cillari ( at ]
