2017-10-28 18:30 GMT-02:00 cyrille henry <ch@chnry.net>:
well, I don't understand why you send a patch regarding a phasor while we where speaking about distortion... (...)
When you say 512, are you talking about phasor or an tanh distortion?

well, yeah, it was a digression from the previous topic, that's why I changed the subject. This is not related to tanh~ at all... so I meant 512x oversampling to get rid of aliasing in phasor (actually sawtooth made from phasor) signals.

Its very different : a sawtooth have an infinite number of harmonics, but not a signal distorted with tanh. And a band limited sawtooth is lot's better (from sound and performance perspective) than an oversampled / filtered phasor.

yeah, I know it's got infinite harmonics, and that a band-limited oscillator is better. But this is also because I'm using this to measure the efficiency of the anti-aliasing filter, how good it works and all
