Bringing back to life an old thread... I tried to make this patch work LIVE... and it is not as thought.
To make this patch work (*1), I should find the perfect delay to suppress the audio. Using 44100, the delay time can vary in 0.0226ms. So... it's almost impossible to get that. I only acchieve a flanger, nothing else.
In the first Patch-Circle done in Argentina last Saturday, I talked with Pablo E. Riera about this and he told me about the adaptive external and the echo cancellation example... but there is no example like that (only intereference cancellation).
I will explain again (*2): the operator has a microphone (using one channel of input) and it sounds in a LCD (far away) (using one channel of output). Above the LCD I have a mic (second channel of input). This mic takes what the audience says and send to the operator headphones (second channel of output). The operator hears her own voice (with a delay). I want to supress this "return". It doesn't matter the latency, I just don't want the operator to hear her/him voice.
I would need something that learn from the first microphone and get rid of what the second mic takes.
I hope being clear in my explanation. Thanks in advace.