Derek Holzer has been doing yeoman's work in that area, check his book "Vector Synthesis: A Media Archaeological Investigation into Sound-Modulated Light", and his patch libraries here: , 

Date: Fri, 29 Nov 2019 07:56:34 -0500
From: henry birdseye <>
To: Pd-List <>
Subject: [PD] pd for oscilloscopes
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed

Hello PD List... noob here.

I intend to use pd-extended to generate waveforms that look nice on a
vector display, and have a couple questions.

1) I'd like to see what I'm doing, so I'm looking for a way to display
my patterns without having to use a physical oscilloscope, so what's a
good vector oscilloscope app that I can somehow route those dac~ objects
to. Can this be a GEM thing, which so far just isn't working for me?

2) And/Or I'd like to get my audio output into my DAW, Reaper, for
recording as .wav files. Has anyone done this? I use a MOTU828 to record
my modular synthesizer now.

The work of Jerobeam Fenderson is what's inspiring me now.

Thanks, list.

