Hello everyone!
I work with pd for about 3 years. Right from the beginning (or almost..) i ran into the following problem:
table look up with [tabread4~] is great for small array but, due to 32bit floating resolution, if the array is of a certain length and longer, look up can not be so exact. The result is distortion.
I am not a programmer so i could not find the solution myself.
I wrote then to the list and i got feedback for the problem but only info. No practical solution.
Thanks to IOhannes there is a new object that takes 2 signals to specify the position for the look up which makes it way more precise (this idea came originally from my professor Gerhard Eckel).
[tabread4~~] which you can find in the latest zexy lib.
I tested the object but not in many ways yet.... it seems to be stable though.
I am also making a small -help patch for the object which i will soon post (if it's ok with IOhannes..)
So thank you IOhannes for your time and effort! I am really grateful.
(Sorry if i was too greedy the other day about the [vline~~]... but it's all for the Art!!!)
YpatIOs. ... :-)