hi mmb, thanks for showing up :)

hmmmm, my problem was that the phase response graph generated from your Pd patch based on RBJ looks different than the one from max's phaseshift. But it just occurred to me that one thing about it might only be a matter of normalizing it and displaying in the same way.

For example, your patch gives us a drop from 0 to -1 and then from 1 to 0, while phaseshift in Max is from 0 to -2pi continuously. I'm now considering that both behaviours could be related, only that your patch "wraps" it around -1 back to 1. What do you think?

But even so, there's also the issue of getting the Q parameter to behave in the same way. Max's phaseshift, when set to Q = 0.1 and freq = 4KHz will give you a linear drop from 0 to -2pi. Now, I can't seem to get that based on RBJ's cookbook formulas and your patch. But then, another thing I haven't thought of might be a difference in the scale plot...

One way or another, the Q parameter seems off. 

So, as you can see, there are these plotting differences, but I know what you mean, that is what I was suspecting too, it sure looks like the same thing at a first glance, meaning you can get to it from a biquad coefficient perspective. The problem is that max's phaseshift isn't very clear about what it really is, other than saying it is a second order filter. But that doesn't have to imply it is the same as a second order biquad, does it?


2013/10/5 Mike Moser-Booth <mmoserbooth@gmail.com>
From looking at the helpfile for [phaseshift~], this sounds very much like the all-pass filter from Robert Bristow-Johnson's EQ Cookbook. You can calculate the biquad coefficients for it like this:

w0 = 2*pi*frequency_in_Hz / sample_rate
alpha = sin(w0)*sinh(ln(2)/2*Q*w0/sin(w0))

fb1 = 2*cos(w0) / (1+alpha)
fb2 = (-1+alpha) / (1+alpha)
ff1 = -fb2
ff2 = -fb1
ff3 = 1


On Sat, Oct 5, 2013 at 12:31 PM, Alexandre Torres Porres <porres@gmail.com> wrote:
> the phase response given in phaseshift's help file suggest otherwise.

it's more like the response from miller's H14 example...

So I guess you can have a 2nd order one (lie phaseshift) by putting two of these together, right? And I suspect it doesn't really need to have anything to do biquad just for being "2nd order", huh?


2013/10/5 Alexandre Torres Porres <porres@gmail.com>
Anyway, next on my list is finding out how to implement max's [phaseshift~], which is also an allpass filter. There's no Pd clone for it so it seems, right? 

Well, it doesn't really what it is other than a 2nd order filter. From that I could think you can generate it with [biquad~], but the phase response given in phaseshift's help file suggest otherwise.

any contributions welcome

thanks a lot

2013/10/5 Alexandre Torres Porres <porres@gmail.com>
but this way it won't be the same as cyclone's [allpass~], the way I did it is equivalent to it (and max's).


2013/10/3 Chris Clepper <cgclepper@gmail.com>
You only need one delay line for the allpass.

feedforward = input * -gain
feedback = delayout * gain
delayin = input + feedback
output = delayout + feedforward

On Thu, Oct 3, 2013 at 11:29 AM, Alexandre Torres Porres <porres@gmail.com> wrote:
i hope i guess i figured it out on how to implement it with delay lines. see attachment. And I realize you can't do this with [fexpr~] or [biquad~] because the sample delay length is kinda big for that, right?


2013/10/3 Alexandre Torres Porres <porres@gmail.com>
cool, but do you know how to implement cyclone's [allpass~] with it? 

It's really unclear to me what is the relation of this pass filter with the one you can generate with biquad coefficients, or with raw poles/zeros objects for that matter.

Well, one way or another, it's also unclear to me how to do it with delay lines.

seems that it is related to a comb filter, right?


2013/10/2 Chris Clepper <cgclepper@gmail.com>
Allpass for reverb is easy to do with delwrite~ and vd~.  I used 32 of them today to recreate a famous 'deep space' reverb.

On Wed, Oct 2, 2013 at 1:53 AM, Alexandre Torres Porres <porres@gmail.com> wrote:
hi there, i see the biquad's coefficients can be set as an allpass filter, generated by frequency and "Q" parameters. But can it do the same as cyclone's [allpass~] filer? If yes, them how since the parameters for [allpass~] are different (delaytime and such).

One way or another, I guess that my real question is: how to implement [allpass~] from vanilla objects?


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