From looking at the helpfile for [phaseshift~], this sounds very much like the all-pass filter from Robert Bristow-Johnson's EQ Cookbook. You can calculate the biquad coefficients for it like this:
w0 = 2*pi*frequency_in_Hz / sample_ratealpha = sin(w0)*sinh(ln(2)/2*Q*w0/sin(w0))fb1 = 2*cos(w0) / (1+alpha)fb2 = (-1+alpha) / (1+alpha)ff1 = -fb2ff2 = -fb1ff3 = 1.mmbOn Sat, Oct 5, 2013 at 12:31 PM, Alexandre Torres Porres <> wrote:
> the phase response given in phaseshift's help file suggest's more like the response from miller's H14 example...So I guess you can have a 2nd order one (lie phaseshift) by putting two of these together, right? And I suspect it doesn't really need to have anything to do biquad just for being "2nd order", huh?cheers2013/10/5 Alexandre Torres Porres <>
Anyway, next on my list is finding out how to implement max's [phaseshift~], which is also an allpass filter. There's no Pd clone for it so it seems, right?Well, it doesn't really what it is other than a 2nd order filter. From that I could think you can generate it with [biquad~], but the phase response given in phaseshift's help file suggest otherwise.
any contributions welcomethanks a lot2013/10/5 Alexandre Torres Porres <>
but this way it won't be the same as cyclone's [allpass~], the way I did it is equivalent to it (and max's).cheers2013/10/3 Chris Clepper <>You only need one delay line for the allpass.feedforward = input * -gainfeedback = delayout * gaindelayin = input + feedbackoutput = delayout + feedforwardOn Thu, Oct 3, 2013 at 11:29 AM, Alexandre Torres Porres <> wrote:
i hope i guess i figured it out on how to implement it with delay lines. see attachment. And I realize you can't do this with [fexpr~] or [biquad~] because the sample delay length is kinda big for that, right?cheers2013/10/3 Alexandre Torres Porres <>
cool, but do you know how to implement cyclone's [allpass~] with it?It's really unclear to me what is the relation of this pass filter with the one you can generate with biquad coefficients, or with raw poles/zeros objects for that matter.Well, one way or another, it's also unclear to me how to do it with delay lines.seems that it is related to a comb filter, right?cheers2013/10/2 Chris Clepper <>
Allpass for reverb is easy to do with delwrite~ and vd~. I used 32 of them today to recreate a famous 'deep space' reverb.On Wed, Oct 2, 2013 at 1:53 AM, Alexandre Torres Porres <> wrote:
_______________________________________________hi there, i see the biquad's coefficients can be set as an allpass filter, generated by frequency and "Q" parameters. But can it do the same as cyclone's [allpass~] filer? If yes, them how since the parameters for [allpass~] are different (delaytime and such).One way or another, I guess that my real question is: how to implement [allpass~] from vanilla objects?thanks mailing list
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