On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 8:07 AM, <pd-list-request@iem.at> wrote:

From: IOhannes zm?lnig <zmoelnig@iem.at>
Subject: Re: [PD] Troubles running Pd-0.43.1test5 on Windows XP

On 11/18/2011 04:07 PM, rolf meesters wrote:
> trying to install on XP Pro,
> following the 'new' method from the install.txt.
> however autogen.sh is not in Cygwin.

are you trying to "install" Pd (so you can run it) or are you trying to
"compile" Pd yourself?

if the former, just download the archive, unzip and run
(when using Pd-extended, you even get a nice installer, that will
eventually create a desktop icon to start Pd)

that's it!
no cygwin, no nothing.

the "autogen.sh" in some README refers to building Pd from sources.
the source package of Pd (which is usually _not_ the zip-archive
labelled w32, but rather something like "pd-0.49-2.tar.gz") will contain
a script autogen.sh which will generate some files needed for compiling Pd.
compiling Pd on cygwin is non-trivial (it seems, i don't know), at least
nobody i know of is doing it (on a regular basis).
if you want to compile Pd on cygwin, you should have a good
understanding of how cygwin works.


thanks IOhannes, you make me see my blind eye.
i read the install.txt and where it only talks about compiling, i concluded that was necessary with this test-version.
completely overseeing that the binaries are just there.
which in my case is all i want.
