OK, I did it once more and found out that it installed the files in
/usr/local/lib/ instead of /user/lib/ where it used to be.
You need to set the prefix to /usr as the default with autoconf is /usr/local
./configure —prefix=/usr/local
sudo make install
It also did not associate the ".pd" extension with Pd anymore so I have to
open them with "Open" from the file menu or the command line.
The Linux desktop environment specific file extension stuff from Pd-extended is not yet included with Pd vanilla.
Could I simply move the pd folder to the old directory (/user/lib/) or would
that cause problems?
See above.
I'm still having lots of problems with externals that I installed via deken.
Doesn't look like I can get my old stuff running that was originally created
with Pd-Extended.