Hi all,
i think that Alexandre's one is an interesting question.
I think we have to do a bunch of test in "real life" DAW working context.
Interesting points are
1. How will the whole thing work with multiple instances of Camomile VST3/AU/LV2 calling multiple instances of [pd~ ].
2. How will the whole thing work with GUI and VST3/AU/LV2 parameters and presets.
3. Given that different DAWs deals with multi-threading in different ways (being Reaper one of the smartest in this area) how the whole thing work.
I guess is all a matter of extensive testing.
The last thing in Alexandre's message is another interesting topic.
From my point of view wouldn't be a problem but probably for Camomile's based VST to reach the non-pd community would be better to distribute just a simple plugin.
So from the point of the VST/AU/LV2 designer the [pd~ ] solution it's really promising. From the end user's point of view not so much i guess and the Camomile-ELSE and Camomile-name_the_libraries ways seem a more viable solution.