Yeah, well duh I could do that. Maybe I'm asking more for a little checkbox so I still have the option of re-enabling it ...

On Nov 23, 2012, at 4:28 PM, wrote:

From: IOhannes m zmölnig <>
Subject: Re: [PD] turn off object bar in pd-extended 0.43
Date: November 23, 2012 11:46:29 AM CST

On 11/23/2012 06:06 PM, Dan Wilcox wrote:
On a related note, is there a way to disable the object drop bar that
appears in the top of the canvas window when editing. It will be great
for beginners, but I find it a little annoying when it keeps shifting
the canvas around.

remove the relevante plugin (i don't know it's name though) from the search path?
load the "disable-plugins" plugin and disable the offending plugin?


Dan Wilcox