Tim Blechmann wrote:
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This is where I think the Redhat/Cygwin model could work.  People who 
want support can pay for a neatly packaged piece of software that has
a phone number that they can call and get someone to ask questions.
As the market for media art and the like grows, I think this will
only become more and more feasible.
it's the same as jmax ... iirc, you can pay 500 bucks for support, some
externals, access to a forum ... or download it (although i don't know
which licence it's using)

and this is why IRCAM is not considered as a contributor to free software in my eyes ( ouch ).

it's not ideology and the services model is perfectly alright
( i actually get some benefit from it ),
some objects have also been developped for a project
than made available for free
to me:
"the means of production must be free of charge
to be accessible to all workers around the world"
( ahah, how naive i am )..

sum-up : it's perfectly oke to be commissioned to develop some tools
for a project, but then they should be published for free,
well, if you want to share anything.
that's why speaking of the "price of pd" is really upsetting me.
